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Vankleek Hill Winter Wonderland of Lights

Deadline to Enter: December 9, 2022, at midnight! Judging takes place on December 11, 6pm.


It’s time to decorate your home or front yard for the holidays! 

We are giving away $1,600 in Vankleek Hill bucks as prize money!

Here’s the scoop:

There are two categories:

1 – Best use of lights

2 – Best environmentally-friendly exhibit (use of greenery, repurposed items – yes, lights can be used in this category). 

Prizes for each category (in Vankleek Hill bucks, to be spent locally):

First prize: $500 in Vankleek Hill bucks

Second prize: $200 in Vankleek Hill bucks

Third prize: $100 in Vankleek Hill bucks

How to enter: 

Send your name, your address, your contact tel. # and indicate category you are entering in an email to:

Please put: Wonderland of Lights Contest in the subject line


Judging will take place on December 11, so be sure that your lights and music are turned on for 6 p.m. on December 11! 

PS: If you can light up the night in time for the Champlain Parade of Lights, which takes place on Friday, December 2, go for it!

As we remind you to support local, we send A BIG THANK-YOU TO OUR 2022 SPONSORS!

Beau’s All-Natural Brewing Company

Wylie Property Maintenance

Tolhurst Law Offices

Vankleek Cottage

LVH Building Group/Curtis St. Pierre Construction

Duval Ventures

I-Team Home Inspection

Vankleek Hill Foodland

This Event is brought to you by

Vankleek Hill BMA

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